Sunday, January 10, 2010


I'm on a river going down the stream. Sometimes it's rough and some times I glide by like on a dream. I don't try to control it now because I've come unprepared, but while I move along I find thing like twigs and such..... with these I build the tools and eventually I gain control. I will lead us to the bank were we will be on good and solid land and as long as we get there together I will recognize that I was loved through it all, and I will say good bye to the banks ever changing shore because now I am home.

I feel like I jumped into the wrong but and went down the wrong stream. By the time I was well enough to notice I had been so far off my path that the turning back seemed impossible. I didn't think I would get there and so I didn't even try. One day as a boat of other sailed passed me pushing against the river. I realized that they had been further down the wrong river then I had been. Yet they were fighting against the current to go the right way.

What makes them better then me? Their ability to try. Their strength not to quit. I because jealous of them and the next time another boat like that comes by I said "I'm jumping in." Then I realized that waiting around and relying on the next boat was only putting me further down stream. So I made my boat head that other way. I was going to be the boat that others wanted to jump into, because they knew I was heading in the right direction.

I paddled hard and hard and still made no lee way. Then one day I saw a tree I had passed a day or so ago, and I realized that I had been going the right way by simply stopping myself from going the wrong way. That journey is far tougher then heading down stream, but that is why we have far more people losing the battle then we do winning. No one wants to work for it.

I paddled and I continued to paddle and I met a man who could paddle stronger and faster the me. I joined his boat and he carried up onto the right river. It's best not to hurry down the right river, because you can lose control. This is not a race to see who gets there first. It's a race just to see who makes it to the end, but your time is endless.

So get there. I'll be waiting.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Choco Cheese Balls

I feel so tired. The kids are so loud and I'm stuck in my room starving and feeling a bit sick. It might have to do with the fact that all I have ate today was a 100 calorie pack of Mr. Salty's chocolate covered pretzels and a Mountain Dew. Maybe a salad or something would make me feel a bit better, but that would require me to get off my ass and make it.

I'm heading to JoJo's tonight . I hope she and her company don't mind my choice of sweat pants that I choose to wear over. I just don't want to go out in this God forsaking cold, and the thought of getting ready makes me want to crawl up in a ball and hide. Ok maybe I am just a lazy ass.

I am going to attempt to make a chocolate chip cheese ball to take over. Being as I am neither crafty nor a good cook this could go badly. I am also taking my trusty cheese dip because it is a no fail recipe.

I think I am going to break out my knitting stuff again. Though I must say that I prefer to crochet. It's more forgiving and with my lack of talent I need to be forgiven. For now though I am going to read a trusty book (Jen Lancaster's Pretty in Plaid; not her best) grab a bit of something healthy to eat. Then I might go to the club house and tan and work out for even just a few minutes. Oh yeah and I need to start making that dang cheese ball.