Sunday, September 5, 2010

I have been wanting to keep a blog for quite awhile. I find that my life is pretty boring and not a lot of interesting things happen to me. This of course being a blessing because most of those with the best stories to tell have had to experience things that on average one would not want to happen. One thing I do enjoy though is finding a journal from way back and when and reading all the things that we happening at that time. They bring back happy memories most of the time and show to me how I have grown as a person.

So now I will start my blogging journey. Something that I usually become quite discouraged with. Just please be advised I am not a good writer, my spelling and grammar are HORRIBLE and I can never say exactly what I want because I just can't seem to think of the words.

Tonight we are doing our first family fantasy football draft. Hopefully it goes well and no one fights with anyone. There are going to be some tough cookies here so hopefully they are able to let any trash talk roll off their backs and not take it personally. Which they are very likely to do. UGH~! This could be a BAD idea.